Sunday, April 19, 2020

Is the MainStreamMedia Biased?

A week ago Thursday, April 9th, Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Senate Majority Leader, put forth a bill with one - and only one - goal; to increase the amount of Federal aid for the Paycheck Protection Program from $350 Billion to $600 Billion.  

No new measures, no new proposals, no new expenditures.  Nothing.  Just erase the part about "$350" and pencil in "$600."  A 27-word measure, perhaps the very shortest in Senate history.  Just increase the amount of money available to the "Paycheck Protection Program."  Why?  Because they need it.  And they need it now!  In fact, we're told the Government ran out of money for this Program this past Wednesday.  That was the day the Treasury Department said this Program would run out of money.  They were right.  We did.  The Democrats knew it.  San Fran Nan Pelosi, Speaker of the House, knew it.  

Everybody knew it!  

So what happened?  The Democrats took advantage of the urgency in this original measure and added in all sorts of new and unrelated political spending.  Spending such as $75 Million for the Kennedy Center in New York.  And $100 Million for NASA.  And $300,000,000 for Migrant and Refugee Assistance.  And my personal favorite, $25 Million "for Capitol Building cleaning supplies."  Now I know that the Capitol gets dirty, but $25 Million dirty?  Yeah, I'm sure somebody somewhere knows how these and 54 other expenditures totaling more than $200 Billion had to do with defeating a viral pandemic.  But if they do, they're sure not commenting. 

So, what was intended to be a $2 Trillion bill on Monday, April 13th, became a $2.2 Trillion bill a week later.  

And then all of a sudden, we had an "instant replay."  McConnell and the Republicans wanted an additional $250 Billion for the PPP, and the Democrats refused; they voted down the measure.  They got what they wanted by stamping their little Gucci-clad feet the first time, and they wanted to do it again... 

Insiders call holding what the Democrats did, and wanted to do again, as "trimming the Christmas tree."  When the Republicans wouldn't go along with their demands, the Democrats voted down McConnell's proposal.  They called it a "political stunt."  More money so our small businesses can keep their employees employed, so they don't go on unemployment and cost us $Billions and $Billions more.  A stunt.  Hmmm...

So our workers in America won't get any more money.  And our small businesses in America won't get any more money.  At least not quickly.  I hope our unemployed aren't too hungry.  And just now did our so-called "Mainstream Media" report on this event?

Wonder of wonders, all of the usual liberal media sources reported the events exactly as they unfolded!   

CNN, NBC, Bloomberg News and Politico, for example, all reported the events as they occurred.  In short, they reported that American workers were struggling and the Democrats chose to deny them more money.  CNN, for example, published a story headlined "Democrats block GOP-led funding boost for small business aid program" at 10:36 a.m.  

By 11:15 a.m., only 39 minutes later, the headline on the story was adjusted to read, "Senate at stalemate over more COVID-19 aid after Republicans and Democrats block competing proposals."  

In fact, within hours, all four networks had changed their headlines.  All four acceded to Democrat Party demands and changed their headlines.  No blame was assigned.  And no truth was to be found anywhere nearby. 

None of them were proven guilty of committing an act of journalism.  Sadly. 

We don't often get to see such a stark and obvious example of political favoritism in the harsh light of day.  As Senator Ted Cruz Tweeted shortly thereafter, 

"Gee, it's almost as if they had
a political agenda..."

Is our so-called "Mainstream Media" biased?  You decide...

(BTW, I, The Chuckmeister, was recently asked by an old friend if the stuff I write is true.  Yes, it's true.  And always carefully and fully researched.  Something the "news" channels above cannot truthfully say.  My opinions are presented as just that; opinions.  But the facts I offer up, are facts.  Whether or not one likes what I write, and there are surely those who don't, be advised that it's always true.  And in the case above, painfully true.  So there...)  

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