Saturday, October 26, 2019

Let's Just Say...

...that you've decided to maybe get off the Trump Train.

Let's say you've grown weary of his incessant tweets, and what you believe to be his often less than statesmanlike conduct, and his continual tweaking of the Democrats' noses, and you've decided to take a look at what the DNC has to offer.  Yes, you've decided to shop around...

And then you come to a stark reality; out of nearly 320 million citizens, and who knows how many illegal aliens, who are now voting in many Liberal districts, the very best America can do in terms of a prospective President of these here United States, was on the stage at the Democrat debates a couple of Thursdays ago.

Really?  That's it?  These 12 souls are the very best that America has to offer?  Are you s**ting me?  

  -   An avowed socialist septuagenarian who hates millionaires like himself, and speaks like he has marbles in his mouth, but can't manage to comb his hair?; 

  -   Another aged pol, ex-VP, bestie with Barack, with a problematic, drug-addicted son, who speaks in word salads?; 

  -   An older, whiter-than-white, ex-Native American, she claims, who looks, acts and speaks like the 6th grade teacher you couldn't stand?;

  -   A Jamaican-Indian/American senator with the raspy voice who locked up 1,000 pot smokers when Attorney General of Taxifornia and now wholeheartedly embraces pot smoking?;

  -   A Chinese-American guy no one ever heard of who believes we should all be given, GIVEN, $1,000 a month, whether we want to work for it or not (count me in!)?;

  -   A billionaire whose only interest in life is doing away with "Global Warming," and he'll spend you into oblivion if you get in his way?;

  -   An ex, two-term Mayor of Newark known as "Spartacus," who presided over the town's rapid increase in crime, and now is warning you he wants to export that particular form of governance to all parts of America (Jeeeeesh!)?;

  -   A Mayor of a little Indiana town with rising crime statistics who is uber-proud of his gayness, and his military service, and his husband with a name even cuter than his, and his Haaaavid degree, and who now wishes to preach to all of us instead of just a few Indianians?;

  -   An Army major and elected Representative, and "woman of color," who checks all the progressive boxes, but runs afoul of those, like Hillary, who like wars and want to keep our troops stationed everywhere, forever?;

  -   A babe I'd never heard of who speaks soothingly in riddles and who wants to give away wind chimes and magic crystals?;

  -   And a trust-fund dufus from Texas who can't speak without rapidly gesticulating his arms, who hates guns and wants to confiscate them, and who was born on third base and thought he'd hit a triple?.

Oh, if these aren't up to your standards there are others, but you get the idea.  These are our choices, America.  It seems that Democrats have told pollsters that their top three choices for POTUS are currently Sanders, Warren and Biden.  Take your pick:  A proud socialist, a socialist who pretends to be a capitalist, and a guy who can't quite figure out exactly what he is, but will give you everything you want for free if you'll just make him POTUS on this, his third try.

NOTE:  These folks will tell you anything you want to hear if it might get them elected.  In fact, all of them want the very same thing:  To take all your money, and then give you back some of it, but only if you promise to keep voting the right way.  

Between them, they have proudly put forth plans to spend more than $93 Trillion Dollars of our Federal tax money, or roughly 15 x our Gross Domestic Product, to do all sorts of things most of us don't want done.  In fact, most of us haven't even been asked what we'd like done.  Have you ever noticed that your phone never rings when the pollsters start taking the Nation's temperature?  I mean, how would you answer if they asked you if you'd like to return to the Stone Age in order to "fix" Global Warming?

So, I'm guessing there are many out there in Internet-Land who are deciding that the Evil of Several Lessers may be to stick with the guy who's working for free, has according to reports lost some 30% of his net worth while helping to increase ours, and, unlike the others, cannot be bought.

What a concept!  

So it looks like we have to take our pick, America;  Big Bad Orange Man, or the three (un)wise politicians.  I personally cannot wait until next November...

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