Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Civil Disobedience

It seems to me that illegal stuff is going to remain illegal until enough folks are doing it routinely so that keeping it illegal is no longer possible...

Got that?  That's all you really need to know as you (painfully) watch the news each day.  The stuff that used to be now often legal.  Because, I guess, so many people are now doing illegal stuff that continuing to try and enforce sanctions against that illegal activity can no longer be attempted.  

Examples?  Sure.  Let us discuss a few...

How about Prohibition?  We had a bunch of teetotalers in the Government who just could not abide the fact that America was enjoying itself too too too much.  The ordinary folks were partying and laughing and dancing and whooping it up and the straight-laced Bible-thumpers just couldn't bear it.  This mass ingestion of alcohol just had to stop, they thought.  Probably the result of their Puritan heritage.  

So, in an effort to stop people from having fun, they passed a Constitutional Amendment making the consumption of alcohol illegal.  There.  That oughta' do it! 

Did it stop?  Noooooooo!  It continued unabated, except the home-brewed alcohol they were then reduced to drinking often killed them, and made outlaws like Alfonso Capone a $Billion Dollars.

Sort of like the "Law of Unintended Consequences" run amok.

So they repealed it by Constitutional amendment a few years later.  A classic example of a failed attempt to micromanage other peoples' lives.  Funny how that happens.

Remember my old admonition about Lefties:  "They just want to be left alone to live our lives." 

There are people in prison right now for drug crimes that would get you a receipt today.  Maryjowanna is now legal or decriminalized in 17 of our 50 states.  Another 22 states will just write you a ticket for simple possession.  And once the others find out how much tax money they're foregoing by keeping it illegal, they'll stop...foregoing it, that is.  

But in the meantime there are prisoners languishing in Gray Bar Hotels all across our fruited plain for having had the temerity to get caught with a few grams of a...plant.  A plant that grows wild.  And many of them are still there.  I wonder how it must feel to look through the bars at the local CA or CO or WA or MD county jail and see people buying pot at a legal dispensary across the street?    

How did it get "decriminalized?"  Simple.  Civil disobedience.  The very same way Prohibition was quickly snuffed out.  Dumb laws make smart people crazy.  And they turn honest folks into outlaws.  Enough folks just gave the System the finger that the System had to bend to keep from breaking.  And it did.  And is...

Another?  Sure.  Remember when it used to be heavily frowned upon for men to enter the women's changing room at your local clothing store?  Frowned upon so much that the swat team would have been called and the local news crew would be doing 24/7 reportage?  

Now?  Thanks to Mr. Obama, it's now, ummm, normal-ish.  So "normal" that some Targets built third bathrooms in its stores for people who just couldn't make up their minds where to pee.  No swat teams, no news crews, just perps spying on little girls in front of God and everybody.  Thank you, Mr. Obama!  Near as I can tell, this one accomplishment represents the primary legacy from your eight years in office...

One more?  Of course.  How about illegal immigration?  I recall it wasn't too long ago that illegal aliens were called...illegal aliens.  Because, that's what the Constitution calls them, doncha' know.  Because...that's what they are.  If you're here illegally, you're illegal.  And if you're not a U.S. citizen, then you're an alien.  Got it?  But that was before the Looney Left decided to adopt them, wholesale, sensing a yuuuuge potential bloc of new voters to replace the forlorn Middle Class the Democrat Party has recently so publicly abandoned.  So they softened up the language to make breaking into America for unlawful purposes seemingly less serious.    

So what had been a decades-long trickle of illegal immigration a few years ago, now is a veritable torrent!  Tens of thousands are crossing every month.  1,400 in one day at one checkpoint just this past week.  More than 250,000 in just the past two months!  1,500,000 are expected to arrive...uninvited...during 2019.

So what do we call them now?  "Undocumented Workers."  Or perhaps "Uninvited But Oh-So Welcome Visitors."   Or just, "New Democrats."  In either case, they are not only not illegal anymore, here in CA we're giving them drivers' licenses and free health care and rent subsidies and food stamps and probably a nice used car for all I know.  

And if the car thing isn't happening yet, it's only because our "more equal than you" haven't yet dreamed it up. 

The truth of the matter is that if enough people do something that's illegal, it will shortly become legal.  Just because the threat of sanction, i.e., a ticket, or a fine, or a prison sentence, is no longer a sufficient disincentive.  Antifa?  A bunch of anarchist thugs burning and marauding and pillaging is illegal.  Unless enough people are doing it.  And so it's now legal.  Just look at what happened to the poor gay Asian reporter who got the crap beat out of him by Antifa thugs in Portland a few days ago.  Without interference by the authorities.  Who were watching.  Unfortunately.

So, my fellow Patriots, the moral of this screed is that obeying laws is now passe; if you don't like them, just simply ignore them.  And if enough of your friends and neighbors go along with you, then that law...or those laws...and maybe all of the laws...will either be overturned, or simply ignored.

On the way out the door, let me toss this in for consideration:  Every single illegal alien has lied to obtain a phony Social Security number.  Doing so is a felony.  There are at least 11,000,000 such felons running around loose in these here United States.  And most likely twice that number.  Is anybody looking for them?  Trying to lock them up?  Deport them?  Nooooooooooo!

You see how that whole "civil disobedience" thing works?  

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