Thursday, January 3, 2019

Build That "______!"

Trump was elected to build the "Wall."

We heard that for months as Trump held his patented rallies all over 'Murica.  

"Build that Wall," they shouted!  Over and over and over.  No equivocation whatsoever.  That means there should be no question as to what the "base" wants; it wants a WALL!  

But incoming Speaker of the  House San Fran Nan Pelosi and Minority Leader Sen. Chuckie Schumer tell Trump he don't get no stinkin' wall!  Not a penny for his wall, they say!  Nancy even goes a step further by calling the Wall, "Immoral, ineffective and expensive!  Hmmm.

Immoral?  A wall?  Is the wall around the Vatican, the largest and highest such protective wall in the world, suddenly immoral?  Kind of hard to ascribe immorality to an inanimate object, isn't it?  Especially one that's been built by the Catholic church?

Ineffective?  Israel built a wall to separate itself from Egypt.  They say it's cut down illegal crossings and terrorism by 99.9%!  Would that make it ineffective?

And expensive?  5$ Billion is expensive?  That number, however seemingly large, is but a rounding error on a $4+ Trillion annual budget.  It would be  approximately 0.01% of our budget.  Or, ONE HALF of the more than $10 Billion we send Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras in annual aid to make sure what's happening...doesn't.

It looks like what we have here is a semantics problem; the Republicans want to call it a "wall," and the Democrats won't call it anything more aggravating than a "fence."  

Fence good!  Wall bad!

So I, The Chuckmeister, your Scribe Without-Portfolio, your journalist without formal training of any kind, feel compelled to assist with this impasse.  So, if "wall" won't work, and "fence" is too mild, then I've compiled a bunch of synonyms for "wall" that our elected leaders could use to dig themselves out of this metaphorical ditch.  Ready?  Here goes...

*  Enclosure
*  Boundary
*  Encirclege

*  Confinement
*  Hem, as in "hemmed in"
*  Barricade
*  Barrier
*  Screen
*  Blockade
*  Bulwark
*  Berm
*  Henge
*  Enclosure
*  Fortification
*  Hurdle
*  Impediment
*  Palisade
*  Partition
*  Rampart
*  Retainer
*  Divider
*  Breastwork
*  Obstacle
*  Hindrance
*  Confinement
*  Obstruction
*  Cordon
*  Retardation
*  Blockage
*  Screen
*  Deterrent
*  Hindrance
*  Restriction
*  Stoppage

I hereby authorize the RNC to use any or all of these other words for "wall" so that they may choose one that fits their definition of "close off," and the DNC to use any or all that makes their supporters believe that nothing more restrictive than a strand of tissue paper will ever separate them from their newly arrived voters.  

And if these don't work, I've also conjured up a few that might confuse everyone enough to get the "border enhancement" legislation accomplished:

*  Floogle
*  Descremetion
*  Sturgilbligger  
*  Carooonalty
*  Mummumy
*  Preeble
*  Dingus
*  Waggleblassem
*  Buwallamly
*  Nurgelmeker
*  Zot

And if none of these work, how about that old standby, "Moat?" 

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