Sunday, July 22, 2018

A Little Deeper Dive Into the NRA...

You've heard many times of late from the cable news talking heads, the Left-wing opinion-spewers that populate our TVs, and the Democrat politicians that own and operate so many old, huge and mostly bankrupt American cities, that the National Rifle Association (the NRA) is directly responsible for the recent rash of mass shootings we've encountered as a country.  

The "Left" has made demonizing the NRA its "go-to" villain for these horrendous crimes because, in my opinion, 

(1), they don't know what causes people to go off the deep end and shoot up a school or a mall or a church; 

(2) because they don't know what causes it, they therefore don't know how to stop it before it happens; 

(3) and because Gummint is supposed to have all the answers, or at least that's what all the Progressives tell us, they need to have someone to blame; and...

(4), ...they have therefore decided to place responsibility for this rash of shootings with the supposed inbred, toothless, pickup truck-driving, rodeo-going, beer-swilling, flag-waving, God-fearing, red nek hillwilliams who just INSIST on buying and using and carrying and keeping and bearing those awful, unnecessary and scary-looking, really evil awful guns.  

Long sentence, I know, but I never claimed to be an English major.  But I do claim to know whereof I speak.  I'm a qualified and experienced gunsmith, firearms instructor, range officer, competitive shooter and lifetime NRA member, and I'd therefore like to clear up a very few but important questions.  Okay?  Here goes:

Question How many of the mass murderers over the past twenty years were members of the National Rifle Association?  Precisely...


Question:  How many of the more than 16 Million Americans with concealed weapons carry licenses in the U.S. have been found guilty of a serious crime involving firearms over the past twenty years?  Exactly...


And how many of the NRA's management and staff killed, wounded, maimed, stabbed, choked, slapped, maimed, stabbed, wounded, burned or even insulted anyone in say, the past, say, twenty years?  As near as I can determine...


So, to summarize, mass shooters are mentally ill.  Only someone crazy as a hoot owl would pick up a gun and murder whole bunches of strangers.  And if guns weren't available, they would use knives.  Or cast iron skillets.  Or Louisville Sluggers.  We see that nearly everyday in Londonistan, where there's been a recent rash of mass KNIFINGSThe U.K. and most of the rest of Europe outlawed the private ownership of firearms decades ago.  So, no guns?  Use knives.  Or cars.  Or trucks.  Or bombs...

Or, like the Islamic Jihadist murdering cowardly thug in Paris a couple of years back, who shot up a concert venue for hours, murdering dozens and dozens, and wounding more than 400 with a fully-automatic, actual military-style machine gun, which has been outlawed for private ownership in both Europe and the U. S. since the 1930's, those who are dead-set on making others dead will find a way to make them so.  And anyone, ANYONE who tries to blow smoke up your arse by telling you otherwise, is dumber than a bag of hammers.  

Which, by the way, you should know could also be used to make somebody dead...

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